American Pint Glass
The simple, utilitarian 16-ounce American pint glass is slightly wider at the mouth than at the base.
You’ll find it in large numbers in bars and restaurants across the United States.
Appropriate Beer Styles
The American pint glass’s basic design neither enhances nor seriously detracts from any particular beer style. Consider it your run-of-the-mill, all-purpose glass.

Imperial Pint Glass
Like its close relative the American pint glass, the imperial pint glass is all-purpose. Unlike its U.S. counterpart, however, the imperial pint holds a full 20 ounces. It also differs in that it features a small lip at the mouth.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Consider it your basic, go-to glass for British ales and lagers like pale ale, India pale ale, amber/red ale, brown ale, porter, milk stout, oatmeal stout, Scotch ale.

Pilsner Glass
Tall, slim, and slightly wider at the mouth, a pilsner glass makes visible the sparkle, clarity, and bubbles of pilsners and other lighter beers. At the same time, it helps retain a beer’s head, which keeps volatile aromatics locked under your nose.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Pilsner, American adjunct lagers, bock, helles bock, maibock, Vienna lager, blonde ale, Japanese rice lager, witbier.

Tulip Glasses (a.k.a., Belgian Glasses)
With a bulbous body and a flared lip, the tulip glass is designed to capture the head and promote the aroma and flavor of Belgian ales and other malty, hoppy beers. Its short stem facilitates swirling, further enhancing your sensory experience.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Belgian strong and dark ale, barleywine, double/imperial IPA, Belgian IPA, Belgian pale ale, fruit lambic, saison, American wild ale, Scotch ale.

Thistle Glass
A modified version of the tulip glass, the shape of a thistle glass resembles Scotland’s national flower (the thistle). It is characterized by a short stem, bulbous bottom, and elongated top section that’s noticeably more sharp and angular than that of the tulip.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Scotch ale, wee heavy.

Goblet / Chalice Glass
The Goblet glass has a large, head-retaining round bowl and a thick stem.
Chalices are similar, but tend to have thicker bowl walls.Their wide mouth design promotes big, hearty sips.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Heavy, dark beers like Belgian IPAs, Belgian strong dark ale, dubbel, tripel.

IPA Glass
The iconic ridges of the IPA glass aerate your favorite hoppy beer with each sip, releasing volatile aromatics in the process. Meanwhile, the tall, slender, tapered bowl concentrates and directs those hop aromatics to your nose.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Any and all varieties of IPAs.

Stout Glass
This distinctive stout glass deserves a spot in every beer connoisseurs china cabinet. The shape of the base and angle of the bowl accentuates the roasted malts and notes of rich coffee and chocolate that define stout beers. The angled shelf and narrow mouth promote head retention.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Any and all varieties of stouts.

Weizen Glass
The weizen glass (or wheat beer glass) features thin walls and a lot of length to showcase the color of wheat beers. The design also locks in the style’s signature banana and clove aromas and provides proper space for a thick, fluffy head.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Wheat ale, dunkelweizen, hefeweizen, kristalweizen, weizenbock.

Stange Glass
The stange glass (which gets its name from the German word for pole) is narrow, straight, and cylindrical.
Like a champagne flute, the stange concentrates soft hop and malt aromas and preserves carbonation.
Appropriate Beer Styles
Delicate beers like kölsch, bocks, lambics, gose, Czech pilsners, rye beer, altbier, rauchbier.

Teku Stemmed Beer Glass
The visually stunning Teku glass was designed by an Italian sensory expert and craft brewer. It features a remarkably thin lip, and an elegant long stem that prevents your hands from transferring warmth to your beer.
Appropriate Beer Styles
The Teku bills itself as appropriate for all styles. That said, the glass does a phenomenal job of concentrating aromatics and accentuating flavor profiles.

Beer Mug
Beer mugs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. What holds true for all beer mugs is the handle projecting from one side. It’s a design feature that, like a stem, helps prevent heat transf from your hand to the beer.
They are classic pub glassware.
Appropriate Beer Styles
American, German, English, and Irish beers of all sorts.

Fun Facts About Beer
“Mind your p’s and q’s” comes from when people would get rowdy at a bar, and the host would tell them to mind their pints and quarts.
The speed record for beer drinking was once set by Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke (2.5 pints in 11 seconds).
The strongest beer in the world has a strength of 67.5%.
It was created in 2017 by the Scottish brewery Brewmeister. The beer is called Snake Venom.
The oldest brewery in the world today is the Weihenstephaner brewery in Freising, Germany. It was founded in 1040.